Presented here is the 1:50 scale Bucyrus 495HR (Hard Rock) rope shovel. The way the model was packaged should be mentioned, as the inner box containing the model was secured inside a larger outer box with an inch o...
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PACKING Letourneau L1850 wheel loader is safely packed in a two-section polystyrene carton with a printed carton outer box. The Letourneau L185...
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PACKING The model is securely packaged in a two-section polystyrene carton with a printed cardboard outer box, the model is supplied with a number of separate handrails that need assembly. <...
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This truck is a Freightliner Cascadia Sleeper Cab with a 40' dry goods ocean container.

There are various scales of collector cars. Each scale is indicated as a quotient, which measures the proportion between the specimen and the original model, such that, for example, the scale 1:18 indicates that the specimen is one -eighteenth of the original....
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We know that many of you would like a little clarification on the scales. First of all, it is important to remember that scales are basically fractions. An item listed at 1:24 means it is 1/24th the size of the item, in "real life".
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